Jim Kinloch

Episode S02E04: Magnify Minify Part I

Well, you are not going to believe the consequences for the podcast when Mr b insists on using a Japanese keyboard to run the show. Mr b is a great believer in ‘science’ and thinks mathematics is beautiful. This, always, makes Jim a mite peevish. Jim is also concerned. Just that. Jim is always concerned….

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Episode S02E03: Modify

Come on in and join the Jelly Trumpet crew for episode 3 of season 2. Where we talk about modifying ideas, working on our imaginations and have some simple yet silly adventures. We hope that Nigel’s* nuts will keep him quiet, we (that is me and Mr b) enjoy some coffee. Mr b, again, explores…

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Episode S02E02: Adapt

Welcome to episode 2 of Season 2. Jelly Trumpet starts on a course of travelling through time, space, genres; while still arming you with creative tools to make your work more fun and your imagination form new spells. At the core are ‘The 9 Trumpets of Creativity’ a check list you can use on your…

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Episode S02E01: Put to other uses

Welcome, In the first episode of Season 2 Jelly Trumpet starts on a course of travelling through time, space, genres; while still arming you with creative tools to make your work more fun and your imagination form new spells. At the core are ‘The 9 Trumpets of Creativity’ a check list you can use on…

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Season 2, What’s Coming

Discover: The Podcast as a Vehicle The Strong Woman Mary, The Entrepreneur The Format Interview Countdown The Podcast as a Vehicle I sat down to start on Season 2 of Jelly Trumpet. I knew one thing. That thing was I wanted to express what’s inside my head. Then send that to the inside of your…

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Writing a Scripted Podcast

When writing a scripted podcast enjoy yourself. You’ll see so much about how to write a podcast and that’s one person’s opinion. Writing your own podcast is down to you and what you want. Take your pleasure, pick up some tips and get writing. Can Podcasts Scripted? Well, what do you think? The majority of…

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Why We Started Jelly Trumpet

I’m be Frank. OK I’ll be ‘Francis the Honest’. The idea started with promoting my online marketing agency, Conversion Detectives and then morphed into a runaway comedy show. So, it was a promotional ploy I was after and I had to find something that I’m passionate about. I’ve always been fascinated with where ideas come…

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You Are Your Own Medicine

Season 1 of Jelly Trumpet canters on this simple premise. You and only you can make yourself as creative as possible. You will also have to put some graft in, practice and keep going when the times take a darker turn. Self-Coaching v Learning You certainly will gain knowledge from books and experience from workshops…

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Make Digital Marketing Creative

I had an ambition to be a standup comedian years ago. I even did some gigs but it wasn’t what I wanted.   Creative as Possible I did know that I wanted to be as creative as possible. I wanted to know how to create original work. First it was for writing funny material for…

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Transmedia Storytelling

I write comedy, surreal and rather silly stuff. I came across transmedia storytelling and thought “Hello?” That’s for me, so I started exploring what it was and what I could do with it…   Multi Platforms It means telling a story across multiple platforms using different formats. Well, you can imagine as a writer involved…

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