Jim Kinloch

Storytelling isn’t a Science

I’m on a mission. Well, a journey that takes in and then tells marketing people what they can do with their version of storytelling. Here’s one example taken from a site that appears for the search ‘storytelling in marketing examples’ What is Storytelling? A story is an “account of imaginary or real people and events…

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10 Creativity Tools

Here’s a list of 10 creativity tools to use in your quest to be more creative. Some or none might work. No one can teach you to be creative. Being creative is always about what works for you. Following a course can help a bit. But if you are following courses in creativity all the…

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Episode S01E06: Reincorporation

Here we are at episode 6 and it’s the last in Season 1 of our attempts to promote creativity for all and to make you in particular the most creative you can possibly be dear reader. Reincorporation looks easy at first understanding. What does it mean to you? It’s the familiar, the familiar reworded by…

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Episode S01E05: The 8-Bit Edition

Time for episode 5. Another episode full of ideas for making yourself more creative and having some laughs along the way. It’s not easy is it? Or is it easy for you? Being as creative as you can be requires effort, continually working at your craft. That includes ‘reverse engineering’. For example, copying out word…

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Episode S01E04: The Great Mapping Adventure

Welcome to episode 4. This episode comes live from the castle keep atop the Howard Centre in Welwyn Garden City. If you want to make the most of your creativity then you have to work for it. I’m not one for processes that go from A – Z because my mind doesn’t work like that….

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Episode S01E03: Time is Everything

In the third episode the show delves into the value of time discipline. Sounds a mite dull? Well you’re wrong. You could call it a ‘secret to being creative’ but that would be ‘clickbait’ and that makes me grit my teeth and wish to pour warm marmalade up the writer’s nose (yes, they would have…

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Episode S01E02: Going Wrong is Great

Welcome to the second episode of Jelly Trumpet, the podcast making you more creative. Tips, tricks and ideas for expanding your imagination. We’re not too serious and we have a fun show like an old-time radio programme. This episode we meet Nigel, the squirrel who loves drum solos.

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Episode S01E01: The Pilot

Welcome to the very first episode of Jelly Trumpet, the podcast for creatives; tricks, tip and ideas to expand your imagination. Jelly Trumpet is a fun and not too serious podcast which goes way, way beyond the simplistic ‘How to be Creative’ blog post loved by many tired content writers.

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