
Make Digital Marketing Creative

I had an ambition to be a standup comedian years ago. I even did some gigs but it wasn’t what I wanted.   Creative as Possible I did know that I wanted to be as creative as possible. I wanted to know how to create original work. First it was for writing funny material for…

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Transmedia Storytelling

I write comedy, surreal and rather silly stuff. I came across transmedia storytelling and thought “Hello?” That’s for me, so I started exploring what it was and what I could do with it…   Multi Platforms It means telling a story across multiple platforms using different formats. Well, you can imagine as a writer involved…

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Storytelling isn’t a Science

I’m on a mission. Well, a journey that takes in and then tells marketing people what they can do with their version of storytelling. Here’s one example taken from a site that appears for the search ‘storytelling in marketing examples’ What is Storytelling? A story is an “account of imaginary or real people and events…

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10 Creativity Tools

Here’s a list of 10 creativity tools to use in your quest to be more creative. Some or none might work. No one can teach you to be creative. Being creative is always about what works for you. Following a course can help a bit. But if you are following courses in creativity all the…

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